Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Guns are people too.

Will the never ending philosophical ramblings regarding gun control ever cease? I think not. The portion of the population that endorses government intervention into all areas of our society will be there right in line at the gun store when the reality touches home. There will be a never ending parade of James Holmes's for us to disect after their apparently random acts are accomplished. Create all the legal blockades you please and these type of people will still attain their destructive goals.Most will not be stopped until after harm is rendered. Accept the reality that our criminal justice system is incapable, through no fault of their own, to uncover these plots before they are implemented. When these events occur the arguement leaves the theorectical realm and enters our personal space. Amazing how the gun shops in a liberal state like CO. are now selling weapons like cotton candy at the state fair.Surprised? I'm not. How many lives would have been saved IF Mr Holmes was scared off by the knowledge of Batman fans carrying in that theatre? Or, if not dissuaded from his chosen path, possibly he could have been put down promptly like a rabid pitbull, saving countless suffering relatives and blameless victims alike. If one trained, legally entitled hand gun permit holder was attending that movie I surmise the outcome would have been far different. Does shooting back lower your moral equivalant? What would Jesus do? I don't profess to know but since we are all guessing in this regard my hypothesis is as good as anyone's. Jesus would have shot first and asked questions later. Yes, just like Harry Callahan. It is morally unjust to stand by and let harm befall a defenseless person if you have the means to end it. Accepting this moral reality is a huge factor in the gun control arguement. Are we that sheep-like that we wish for the goverment in some far off location, whose intentions are driven primarily by economics, to protect us, our families and random strangers for that matter? I am not. "If everyone has guns then people will just be shooting each other in the streets" My reply to this stance is this.. No they won't. Humans are blessed with incredible instincts for self-preservation. If an area of your city is unsafe it is not because the people there have guns it is because there are some people there who don't. Personally I would feel much safer if everyone on my street had guns. The likelihood of shooting issues between neighbors is significantly more remote than the invasion of people who do not respect us knowing that the odds are we won't be armed. Yes it is true shootings will increase, briefly, between people with poor inpulse control, however these numbers will be minute compared to the crimes that wont be committed and lives saved because the criminals will not know who has weapons and who doesn't. Save the live in peace without guns rhetoric. I am not willing to accept the role of passive, trusting lemming who assumes the position and hopes the criminals leave my ass alone. Those days are over, if they were ever real to begin with. We have been inundated with stories of passive people who have been shot for nothing other than some dark personal fantasy. That end is not acceptable for me or those I care about. I'll obligate no man to protect me or hold them accountable for madmen or predators. Every man needs to be responsible for themselves. Maybe that is the basis for this whole discussion. Who are you responsible for? I'm patiently waiting for the lefties to spin their intense pressure on the legislature to impend more law abiding citizens from acquiring protective weapons. Someone could have stopped that maniac; case closed. Speak up now lefties and tell us how it helps to keep guns from the citizenry.

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