Since throwing stones in the quarry is the activity we like best it is imperative to take one for the team on this day. Our fearless bi-racial leader, whom has often been vilified in the quarry, has executed an above average strategy. As often as his decisions have been questioned we must in return commend the decision to reallocate 30 billion of the relief funds, which had been targeted for large businesses, to the small business sector. This maneuver from a tactical standpoint will serve him well in the polls but, more importantly, will do more to generate economic recovery than anything else we have seen in the past 16 months. The frozen credit markets for small business is the culprit in the longevity of the malaise we all feel. Never think that the quarry is a biased or callused arena. Simply call them like we see them. Equal opportunity bombast. On this day kudos are due Mr. O.
My Mea Culpa IS in the rear view mirror now so let’s move on to some interesting news.
Lawrence Taylor- Not only is he an idiot, which was semi obvious to anyone who follows sports, now it appears he is a felon as well. Sad story. This topic typically would not be quarry worthy, other than the legal wrangling, which is proving to be quite entertaining. Even though LT confessed post arrest his lawyer is now claiming he doesn’t even know who the girl is? We shall see how this scenario plays out. Not sure he has Big Ben’s money to make this go away. With a minor involved this may get ugly.
Bret is out of the hospital—Glad to here your up and about, let’s rev up the bus again soon!
Vanessa Carleton- Remember her? She was hit by a car while jogging. A rather dangerous way to make the rags. Better off just over indulging on Slimfast or sleeping with Jesse James. Do you think this errant motor vehicle operator has been stalking her since 2002 and has “A Thousand Miles” stuck in his head so bad he felt a societal obligation to end our consternation? Not being enamored with the song is one thing, but this was extreme.
Lord Jesus Christ- 50 year old Belchertown MA man was struck by car on Thursday. Not sure why that is funny, it just is. Maybe because adopting that name inspires such a diverse breadth of emotions in each of us. Or, maybe, because irony, even in a sometimes twisted way, is always funny. You have to figure Karma played a role in this somehow.
Last observance this week- University students in Europe, as part of a world-wide competition, have created a vehicle that achieved 11000 MPG. Yes you read that accurately, 11000 MPG. Of course the rules of what constitutes a vehicle, test course, procedures etc. are not applicable to our roadways today. Yet, they did place a human being in a vehicle and manage to travel that far during their simulation. Asking all the quarry patrons now, Cant we create a gas/electric hybrid that could do half the results? Say 300-500 mpg? This economic monstrosity that has caused so many wars, cost so many lives and ruins the environment must be eradicated in the next couple generations. So come on kids, create one of those cars we can utilize! Let’s give the ocean and tundra back to the animals that live there.
Useless trivial info section-- skipping over this section is advisable unless you are a complete trivia junkie.
Top baby names for 2009
Girls- Isabella,Emma,Olivia,Sophia,Ava
Boys- Jacob,Ethan,Michael,Alexander,William
Fastest rising name—Cullen—Apparently the ubiquitous impact of “Twilight” is becoming evident.
Have a fantastic week. Tell someone you haven’t spoken to in a while how much you appreciate them. Then stand back and chuckle at the look on their face. Keep laughing. Life is far too short to passively wait on miracles to find us so create one your self.
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