Our esteemed senatorial brigade just approved another 104 BILLION in order to extend the unemployment benefits. Something wrong with this? maybe.. who will pay for it? any thoughts? Humbly presented is one alternative-- put the 100 BILLION into small business incentives and all of those people will become employed and more importantly-they will become tax payers again. if they choose not to take the work available then SOL... look out I slid some worthless telephone books under the soap box today ..Little higher than usual.
Orange #1- look out Big Apple-here we come for the tourney in 2 weeks..
Facebook is cool for finding people but do we really need to know what you had for breakfast or how many outfits you tried on last shopping trip? Let us know the important stuff like where the next party is or who feel down at the club and bruised their face.. you know.. the important stuff!
Out for now
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