Over a week since last post. All of us in the quarry need to throw some rocks.
Due to my negligence there is much to cover.
Nancy Pelosi causes flashbacks of "A Clockwork Orange". Can't turn my head from the screen. Feel like Malcolm McDowell and will present nausea symptoms when she comes on the TV. When can we bring back a large whitehaired lovable hack like Tip O'Neill?
Last comments on the demise of my beloved Orange. Many of my sport junkie compadres claim that coach should go. My plan is keep him recruiting, he is a master. Pass the game prep to Hopkins and see if he can avoid these let downs. We bring a top 20 team to the tourny every year and seem to underachieve. Not right to beat anyone up now during the "day after" humiliation but maybe we can tweak our responsibilities to reach the hallowed title again. Feels like a drive-in date and we only held hands.
From all reports we are all about to lose a treasured icon. Since Rebel Without a Cause in 1955 Dennis Hopper has led us on a path of deeply personal discovery. His roles have been diverse, creative and always powerful. In some cases he carried a lousy script on his personality alone. Prostate cancer is currently giving him a nasty ride.I for one will always remember "Blue Velvet" and Easy Rider". His legacy in film was dynamic. All the best Dennis!! get well soon. When the time does come the standard line "you will be missed" seems woefully inadequate.
From Ludicrous Rd.-- Islamic judges have ruled it illegal to post any comments relative to their policy of amputation on social internet sites. At the very least they should legislate tongue removal for such egregious acts. In fact we should all go onto FB and start a forum group on amputation. Of Course, per the clerics this will not just result in corporal punishment but likely hurt our chances for eternal rewards with virgins and such.. Oh Well..
Have a super weekend. Remember life is too short to have enemies.Laugh at least twice today. First one doesn't count. Curiosity didn't kill Tom but it sure made Jerry pissed off.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Everything Tuesday
For all you sports junkies out there March Madness is here.Expect some opinion on these games that will annoy most fans (unless of course you are a Cuse fan!)As noted in previous posts, watch out for the Big East. 4 teams in Elite Eight is the Mac's prediction. Good to see the FL teams make it but hope they enjoy their flights home. One and done!
Serious issue in the Who is Craziest category.. Red Shirts in Thailand are donating blood to throw at the current administrative offices. Protesting elections is one thing but may be tough to accept complaints from bald dudes in dresses. Flat out disturbing that they cant find pants. Maybe the next president can pass some wardrobe litigation.
Check out GQ- Recruited Rielle Hunter for a photo shoot. Wait.. quote- She was horrified at the provocative photos that were published.Was her presence not required at the photo session? She came out of her cave to discover that GQ is trying to sell mags? Favorite shot: in a men's dress shirt hanging out with the muppets. What wonderful imagery. Those copies will fly off the shelves.
Through all this the Edwards family keeps wondering. What are the Obama's having for dinner in the White House tonight?
Finally, the house Dems are about to blow up this nonsensical healthcare reform bill. Even Pelosi, the charming and articulate snakecharmer cannot pull this train wreck from the muck. Tires are stuck in legislative manure. Her own house members are trying to fight off any decision until Nov. at which point most of them will be gone, the GOP will be back in and we can wipe this silly idea from the national landscape.Hopefully one day a productive bill will come along that works for all. Regrettably this is not it.
Have a great week. Share what you have, love who need you; for the benefit of all.
Serious issue in the Who is Craziest category.. Red Shirts in Thailand are donating blood to throw at the current administrative offices. Protesting elections is one thing but may be tough to accept complaints from bald dudes in dresses. Flat out disturbing that they cant find pants. Maybe the next president can pass some wardrobe litigation.
Check out GQ- Recruited Rielle Hunter for a photo shoot. Wait.. quote- She was horrified at the provocative photos that were published.Was her presence not required at the photo session? She came out of her cave to discover that GQ is trying to sell mags? Favorite shot: in a men's dress shirt hanging out with the muppets. What wonderful imagery. Those copies will fly off the shelves.
Through all this the Edwards family keeps wondering. What are the Obama's having for dinner in the White House tonight?
Finally, the house Dems are about to blow up this nonsensical healthcare reform bill. Even Pelosi, the charming and articulate snakecharmer cannot pull this train wreck from the muck. Tires are stuck in legislative manure. Her own house members are trying to fight off any decision until Nov. at which point most of them will be gone, the GOP will be back in and we can wipe this silly idea from the national landscape.Hopefully one day a productive bill will come along that works for all. Regrettably this is not it.
Have a great week. Share what you have, love who need you; for the benefit of all.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Lots To Rant About
Too long since last written ventilation. Irrepressible need to cover a few issues. So hang in there for the ride!
Tiger- Saw that People mag interviewed one of his girlfriends from his Stanford days. She said he was a great guy 10 years ago and was a little nerdy. Really.. Shocking at it may seem to us in Mac land. He golfed for 4 hours everyday and cared about nothing other than the game.The point is-- what the he$% kind of news gathering organization will chase down a girl friend from 10 years ago? Are our current lives that banal and devoid interesting celeb gossip. They should all just be reading ALL Things is what I say.
Observed a cool survey on CNN. Top ten geekiest songs. Thought the 1st choice of Blinded me with Science by Thomas Dolby was a fine selection. Everybody jump in on this one. Lets get interactive.
Here's another poll. Top 5 sidekicks in a Sitcom.
my 5-- Favorite first!
1. Dwight Shrute- Rainn Wilson
2. George Castanza-Jason Alexander
3. Perry Cox- John C McGinley
4. Randy Hickey- Ethan Suplee
5. "Norm"- George Wendt
Jump in and offer some of your favs... Just a hint.. my runner up was Mike Stivik...
Doesn't even the word dysentery make your butt scream for help. Cant imagine the fun that bacteria must be
Events that make you go HHHMMM.??..
Roethlisberger just hired the attorney that helped Ray Lewis get acquitted- Spending HUGE $$ to avoid a case that he claims is BS??
If you have been watching any conference tournament games it is painfully obvious that the NCAA tournament should have 10 Big East teams. Any team at .500 or better in conference would crush everybody in the mid major conferences. Look for 4 teams from Big East in Elite 8.
Tried to watch a hockey game- woke up in 3 hours with drool on my pillow.. No Wonder they are secure in the knowledge that VS network will show the games. No other network would pay for that. Cant even imagine what the ratings look like for their time slots. May not beat out reruns of Moesha.
Lastly--RIP Carey Haim. You finally got what you wanted. Front page of Yahoo news. Too bad it was for all the wrong reasons. Parents out there, keep your kids feet on the ground. Only bad things come to those who follow the random decisions determined by the machine. Chase only what will reward the soul.
Remember give something back today. We are all so very fortunate.
till next post.
Tiger- Saw that People mag interviewed one of his girlfriends from his Stanford days. She said he was a great guy 10 years ago and was a little nerdy. Really.. Shocking at it may seem to us in Mac land. He golfed for 4 hours everyday and cared about nothing other than the game.The point is-- what the he$% kind of news gathering organization will chase down a girl friend from 10 years ago? Are our current lives that banal and devoid interesting celeb gossip. They should all just be reading ALL Things is what I say.
Observed a cool survey on CNN. Top ten geekiest songs. Thought the 1st choice of Blinded me with Science by Thomas Dolby was a fine selection. Everybody jump in on this one. Lets get interactive.
Here's another poll. Top 5 sidekicks in a Sitcom.
my 5-- Favorite first!
1. Dwight Shrute- Rainn Wilson
2. George Castanza-Jason Alexander
3. Perry Cox- John C McGinley
4. Randy Hickey- Ethan Suplee
5. "Norm"- George Wendt
Jump in and offer some of your favs... Just a hint.. my runner up was Mike Stivik...
Doesn't even the word dysentery make your butt scream for help. Cant imagine the fun that bacteria must be
Events that make you go HHHMMM.??..
Roethlisberger just hired the attorney that helped Ray Lewis get acquitted- Spending HUGE $$ to avoid a case that he claims is BS??
If you have been watching any conference tournament games it is painfully obvious that the NCAA tournament should have 10 Big East teams. Any team at .500 or better in conference would crush everybody in the mid major conferences. Look for 4 teams from Big East in Elite 8.
Tried to watch a hockey game- woke up in 3 hours with drool on my pillow.. No Wonder they are secure in the knowledge that VS network will show the games. No other network would pay for that. Cant even imagine what the ratings look like for their time slots. May not beat out reruns of Moesha.
Lastly--RIP Carey Haim. You finally got what you wanted. Front page of Yahoo news. Too bad it was for all the wrong reasons. Parents out there, keep your kids feet on the ground. Only bad things come to those who follow the random decisions determined by the machine. Chase only what will reward the soul.
Remember give something back today. We are all so very fortunate.
till next post.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Finally Saturday!
Thoughts for the day.
If the 2nd women is paid off will that make Roethlisberger less guilty? Big Ben better learn to keep it in his pants or these "dates" will cost him so serious coin. Once a year he writes a check and that will add up quick. here is a suggestion. Get it from all the skanks you can have. Much cheaper and keeps you out of the news
Get well soon Rodney Stuckey. Too young with too much talent to be lost to the league.
My favorite KD. criticized for her look? Crazy people out there with too much time on their hands. No way to beat up that hotness!
The Dems are trying a backdoor run via the EPA to crush the faithful over carbon emissions. Onerous legislation is just what we need for job creation. Don't we need the carbon emissions to raise the temp? maybe then we can melt the 87 feet of snow outside.
Lastly- 6 year old kid is suspended from school for pretending he has a gun in his hand. Really.. Simply not enough concern for student welfare up there in MI.. Should lock up the parents and make the child a ward of the state. Maybe at the juvenile home he can learn to only point like that when he is fully armed. Idle threats are not worth anything son. Lets all hope he learns soon to point and shoot only when fully prepared.
Love who you are today. Splurge a little. Enjoy the weekend.
Thoughts for the day.
If the 2nd women is paid off will that make Roethlisberger less guilty? Big Ben better learn to keep it in his pants or these "dates" will cost him so serious coin. Once a year he writes a check and that will add up quick. here is a suggestion. Get it from all the skanks you can have. Much cheaper and keeps you out of the news
Get well soon Rodney Stuckey. Too young with too much talent to be lost to the league.
My favorite KD. criticized for her look? Crazy people out there with too much time on their hands. No way to beat up that hotness!
The Dems are trying a backdoor run via the EPA to crush the faithful over carbon emissions. Onerous legislation is just what we need for job creation. Don't we need the carbon emissions to raise the temp? maybe then we can melt the 87 feet of snow outside.
Lastly- 6 year old kid is suspended from school for pretending he has a gun in his hand. Really.. Simply not enough concern for student welfare up there in MI.. Should lock up the parents and make the child a ward of the state. Maybe at the juvenile home he can learn to only point like that when he is fully armed. Idle threats are not worth anything son. Lets all hope he learns soon to point and shoot only when fully prepared.
Love who you are today. Splurge a little. Enjoy the weekend.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Mid week exhaust fumes
Our esteemed senatorial brigade just approved another 104 BILLION in order to extend the unemployment benefits. Something wrong with this? maybe.. who will pay for it? any thoughts? Humbly presented is one alternative-- put the 100 BILLION into small business incentives and all of those people will become employed and more importantly-they will become tax payers again. if they choose not to take the work available then SOL... look out I slid some worthless telephone books under the soap box today ..Little higher than usual.
Orange #1- look out Big Apple-here we come for the tourney in 2 weeks..
Facebook is cool for finding people but do we really need to know what you had for breakfast or how many outfits you tried on last shopping trip? Let us know the important stuff like where the next party is or who feel down at the club and bruised their face.. you know.. the important stuff!
Out for now
Orange #1- look out Big Apple-here we come for the tourney in 2 weeks..
Facebook is cool for finding people but do we really need to know what you had for breakfast or how many outfits you tried on last shopping trip? Let us know the important stuff like where the next party is or who feel down at the club and bruised their face.. you know.. the important stuff!
Out for now
Monday, March 1, 2010
Barely ahead of Idle
Congrats Canada!- A gold medal in the only sport your country cares about.. unless you count curling. Fine work- you got the job done when you needed to..
Is there anyone in music today that will be relevant and successful in 20 years? if you think of one let me know..
Mrs Stone likes Buble.. no really.. the GNR lover.. explain that..
Nobody is beating the Lakers or the Cavs in a seven game series--NOBODY.. This year's final will be memorable.
Think we can tie up healthcare reform for another 3 years so we can get a new voice in the grind house who doesn't want to convert every business over to the fed?
If you eat 2 lbs of cake and then have a apple does it work like carbon credits? Can I get the calories back?
tell each other what they mean to you today.. helps to get through a Monday..
Is there anyone in music today that will be relevant and successful in 20 years? if you think of one let me know..
Mrs Stone likes Buble.. no really.. the GNR lover.. explain that..
Nobody is beating the Lakers or the Cavs in a seven game series--NOBODY.. This year's final will be memorable.
Think we can tie up healthcare reform for another 3 years so we can get a new voice in the grind house who doesn't want to convert every business over to the fed?
If you eat 2 lbs of cake and then have a apple does it work like carbon credits? Can I get the calories back?
tell each other what they mean to you today.. helps to get through a Monday..
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