Reckless abandon, loosely utilized phrase to describe any activity entered into carelessly or lacking forethought. Mandatory theme for today’s blog post.
Much like the economic situation of 2010- Obama is applying the philosophy of ‘Reckless abandon” last report there has been 4 bill spent on revitalization projects and essentially no jobs created. It seems to this humbled theorist that this would define reckless. Not sure who will be paying that back but it appears more than likely that your grandkids will be taxed more than you were.
Anyone for a diatribe on personal rights?.. Who better to rant than our revered Mr. Jefferson?
"On every question of construction [of the Constitution] let us carry
ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect
the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning
may be squeezed out of the text, or intended against it, conform to the
probable one in which it was passed."
The Authors of our treasured, uniquely American documents are right on the money. It is time to cease bastardizing, compromising, analyzing and urinating on the rights we are all entitled. The elephant in the room of course is personal accountability, our forefathers operated under the presumption that creating a self-sufficient, competent operating system would work hand in hand with a populace who all strive towards the same goals. Regrettably the financial entitlements we have “recklessly” approved have sapped the will, intelligence, work ethic and ethos of a rapidly growing segment of our society.
Life is not about what you have, It is all about what you dream. Sadly dreams have become credit card debt, foreclosures and personal bankruptcy without ramification. Solutions you ask?, With some serious humility I will offer a couple semi-literate options.
1. Everyone, without exception, who is receiving handouts of any kind must submit to, and pay for, a monthly drug screen.
2. Hand-outs will only be extended for a short period. If personal improvements are not forthcoming and the economic situation doesn’t change the state can assign work of their choosing to offset the expenditure.
3. Incentivize new businesses with tax abatements and reduced employment taxes and restrictions.
4. Nationalize medicine.. Not my first choice but since the portability act has now been passed this road will go only one way. We must embrace it and make it sensible to execute.
5. Expand SCORE,SBA to provide instruction for new business owners. Remove SBA administration from the banking community who loan for profit only, without vision.
Enough heavy quasi-political rambling, lets have some fun now.
We must have a TOP 5 in every post.. How about TOP TV COPS.. My list undoubtedly shows my age. Send in yours—Lets have some
1. Steve McGarrett
2. Sonny Crockett
3. McCloud
4. Kojak
5. Barnaby Jones
How soon will LiLo clean up her act if all future reports on her behavior went unpublished unless they are for exemplary behavior?
If I am subjected to one more true crime story on the TV I am addressing personal mail to the network execs begging for the return the Gosslin brood. (not really, just an exaggeration for comedic sake)
Did you hear the well plug worked? At least that’s done. Figured there should be as much good news as bad on the worst disaster ever.. (buying that still?)
Northern crew.. Kudos to the Twinkies best record in MLB since the break.. Can’t wait to see them in the playoffs.
Could “The Town” be the pic that finally allows Ben Affleck to compete with his buddy Damon?.. wait and see-the reviews have been very complementary thus far.
Time to wrap this up- “reckless” continued scribbling can result in boredom.
Have a super week.. Love the one your with. Remember they might be able to do better if you take them for granted. Value your time. For some you know it is shorter then others. Relish the challenges, trials and anxious moments; these make you strong. Lastly, captivate your audience with wisdom and sage advice instead of American Idol or Jersey Shore chatter..The world is overflowing with the inane, set yourself apart.
Till next post..